I ricercatori si raccontano: Anastasia Gilardi
Researchers tell their stories

Anastasia Gilardi presents the role of the art historian in the study of stucco works. By answering fundamental questions, she reveals the wealth of information that can be obtained from historical documents and how each work can be put into context within its place of origin and period of execution.

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I ricercatori si raccontano: Marta Caroselli
Researchers tell their stories

Marta Caroselli presents the role of scientific analysis in the study of stucco works, revealing the wealth of information that can be obtained from micro samples using different investigation techniques.

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Incontro con le Guide d'arte della Svizzera italiana

Meeting of Giacinta Jean and Alberto Felici with the Art Guides of Italian Switzerland. Training to understand what stucco is, terminological problems, how three-dimensional works and architectural decorations are made, the most important sites to understand this art in the Canton of Ticino, the Ticinese stucco artists, and the materials made available by the project “Resta di stucco” to share them with tourists visiting the area.


Campus Mendrisio
Via Flora Ruchat-Roncati 15
CH-6850 Mendrisio


I ricercatori si raccontano: Alberto Felici
Researchers tell their stories

Alberto Felici presents the role of the cultural heritage conservator in dealing with the study of a stucco decoration, carefully observing the materials and techniques used in the creation of different works.

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I ricercatori si raccontano: Jana Zapletalová
Researchers tell their stories

Jana Zapletalova takes us on a historical journey, presenting the account book of a plasterer from Meride: Giovanni Domenico Lucchese (1648-1670). The text allows us to discover his life and daily activities in the mid 17th century.

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The making of a stucco decoration
Researchers tell their stories

Video on stucco making. The video shows the different steps and the process by which a stucco decoration is made.

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Le stuc dans les grands décors en France et en Europe, de la Renaissance à 1850
International conference

Resta di stucco presented in Versailles at the international conference "Le stuc dans les grands décors en France et en Europe, de la Renaissance à 1850” with the talk by Giacinta Jean "Form and material of stucco decoration. Developing research projects for a better understanding, conservation and dissemination".

See the video

Versailles-Paris-Fontainebleau (France)


The stuccoes of San Giovanni’s Church
Guided tour
10.00 - 11.00h

The art of stucco is very antique and Ticino saw the birth of highly talented stucco artists who worked, especially in the 17th century, in royal palaces and cathedrals throughout Europe. Ticino also preserves stuccoes of great value that can be discovered with the diffuse museum and our platform. We learn more about the stuccoes in the Church of San Giovanni in Mendrisio. Alberto Felici and Giovanni Nicoli, research lecturers at SUPSI, will lead the visit.

Church of San Giovanni Battista,
(near Art Museum)

10.00 - 11.00h

Stuccoes. Knowledge of materials and techniques

The art of stucco is very old and Ticino saw the birth of highly talented stucco artists who worked, especially in the 17th century, in royal palaces and cathedrals throughout Europe. Ticino also preserves stucco of great value, which can be discovered with the diffuse museum and our platform. Let's learn more about the materials and techniques used to make stuccoes then and now. Speaker Alberto Felici, lecturer and researcher at SUPSI.

Via Industria 5
6850 Mendrisio


Resta di stucco. Workshop at LaFilanda
14.00 - 17.00h

The art of stucco is very old and Ticino saw the birth of highly talented stucco artists who worked especially in the 17th century in royal palaces and cathedrals throughout Europe. In Ticino, too, stucco of great value is preserved and can be discovered with the diffuse museum and our platform. But how is a stucco made? Let's experiment and try our hand at making a small work. Workshop held by Giovanni Nicoli, lecturer at SUPSI.

Via Industria 5
6850 Mendrisio

14.00 - 17.00h

L’arte e la tecnica dello stucco

Resta di stucco: Alberto Felici and Giacinta Jean present the technical diversity with which some famous artists have created their works that can be seen in Mendrisiotto. Event organized in collaboration with the Muggio Valley Ethnographic Museum and the Municipality of Balerna.

Sala della Nunziatura
Via Carlo Silva, 6828 Balerna


Migrant artists and the stucco decorations

SUPSI researchers, involved in the Resta di stucco project, speak at the conference “Migrant artists: from the Italian-Swiss valleys to the Czech Republic”: Alberto Felici, The stucco technique; Giovanni Nicoli, Execution of replicas; Giacinta Jean, Knowledge, conservation and valorization of stucco decorations.

Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Praga


Architecture and decoration

Resta di stucco and SUPSI research professors Giacinta Jean, Alberto Felici and Giovanni Nicoli engage with architectural historian Nicola Soldini to explore the relationship between architecture and decorative apparatus within the Oratory of the Nativity. The conference is sponsored by the Beccaria Association.

Oratory of the Nativity
Via Beccaria 9
6877 Villa Coldrerio


Look who's talking, dialogue between art and technique – BreggiArte

Resta di stucco takes the stage at BreggiArte to collaborate on this territorial promotion project, recounting the challenge undertaken to make known to the general public the works created by some very skilled stucco artists from Ticino. Giving voice to this experience is a dialogue between art and techniques with an interview with Alberto Felici and Luca Morici, research professors at SUPSI.

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Podcast Radio Gwen


Create with me, stucco workshop for children – BreggiArte
13.00 – 16.00h

Resta di stucco is a guest of BreggArte to introduce to the very young the art of stucco through a workshop held by Giovanni Nicoli, research professor at SUPSI, who will pleasantly “get their hands dirty” for those who participate in the initiative.
BreggiArte is a pilot project for territorial promotion of the Muggio Valley that seeks to rediscover the valley during the summer months through art and cultural activities in outdoor spaces and historic town centers.

Ethnographic Museum of the Muggio Valley
Casa Cantoni,
6838 Cabbio

13.00 – 16.00h

Resta di stucco launches its “distributed museum”
Press conference

Presented to the media the “distributed museum” project, its technological devices and the activities developed to bring the public closer to the creations of Ticino's stucco masters. The “distributed museum” is a project designed for the local population and tourists visiting our territory, aimed at its artistic-cultural enhancement.

Giacinta Jean and Luca Morici, in charge of the project.
Jurij Meile, communications manager of the Ticino Tourist Agency;
Lara Calderari, head of the monuments department of the Cultural Heritage Office of the Canton of Ticino;
Don Claudio Premoli, president of the Commission for Sacred Art of the Diocese of Lugano.

Press release

The Confraternity of San Rocco
Church of San Rocco
Piazzetta San Rocco 1, Lugano


Resta di stucco. The art of stucco – Campus in Festa

Let's learn the secrets of mixing lime, gypsum, sand and marble dust: to obtain stucco used to create sculptures and architectural decorations.

Conservation and Restoration Atelier
Campus Mendrisio
Via Flora Ruchat-Roncati 15
CH-6850 Mendrisio


Science is art – Campus in Festa
Open day

Restorers are a bit like doctors, a bit like detectives. With special lights, a microscope and various scientific instruments we discover what is hidden inside a stucco.

Campus Mendrisio
Via Flora Ruchat-Roncati 15
CH-6850 Mendrisio


The art of stucco in Canton Ticino – European Arts and Crafts Days 2023

The atelier of the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration is located on the contemporary SUPSI Campus in Mendrisio. Visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the techniques used to create the complex stucco decorations that enrich many religious and private buildings in the Canton of Ticino.

More info

Conservation and Restoration Atelier
Campus Mendrisio
Via Flora Ruchat-Roncati 15
CH-6850 Mendrisio


Baroque. Age of Contrasts

Resta di stucco participates in the conference “Baroque culture in Switzerland from a present-day perspective”.
The event offers an insight into the present and questions the - controversial - treatment of Baroque architectural culture today.

More info

Auditorium Willy G. S. Hirzel
Landesmuseum Zürich
Museumstrasse 2
CH-8001 Zürich


An afternoon dedicated to the art of stucco in Malcantone – European Heritage Days 2022

As part of the European Heritage Days, “Resta di stucco” offers a guided tour inside a church and a workshop to discover the art of stucco to learn how decorations are made and to observe some very interesting works in Malcantone.

Malcantone Ethnographic Museum
Via Caradora 15
CH-6986 Curio


Stucco masterpieces and execution techniques – European Arts and Crafts Days 2023

For the “Resta di stucco” project, welcoming visitors to the European Arts and Crafts Days at SUPSI’s conservation and restoration workshop will be Giovanni Nicoli, a restorer and stucco artist with years of experience in the study and conservation of plaster and stucco works.

Campus Mendrisio
Via Flora Ruchat-Roncati 15
CH-6850 Mendrisio


The art and technique of stucco – European Heritage Days 2021

As part of the “Resta di stucco” project, SUPSI is taking part in the European Heritage Days with a practical workshop to discover the techniques used to create the prestigious stucco decorations that enrich churches and private palaces.

Campus Mendrisio
Via Flora Ruchat-Roncati 15
CH-6850 Mendrisio
